



AIR (Advanced Image Rendering) is a renderman compliant renderer and is available as a standalone solution.

Air offers a lot of advanced techniques like level of detail blending, a pendant to deep shadow maps called fracture maps, transparent shadow maps.

It comes with a tool to create its shaders in a visual interface called vshade.

There are some other tools available like:

The support of Scott Iverson is really good. As soon as I reported a problem he answered very fast and sometiems a few hours later I got a new fix.

There exist some ways to use it quite easy with 3d software:

new releases

Release 14:

Great news, AIR now has a size limited but otherwise fully functional free version. It has a new standalone material editor, a material library, better texture handling, improved GI calculation and some new shader types.

Release 13:

Air stream has some exciting options too:


Release 12 news:

Release 11 news:

Release 10 news:

Release 9 news: ????

Release 8.0


Last update: 01.2021

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