- Homepage: Indigo Renderer
- current version: Indigo 4.2.23 from November 2018
- standalone renderer
- plugin renderer for Cinema4d, SketchUp, 3dsMax, Blender and Revit.
Indigo is a unbiased CPU/GPU pathtracer. Since it is a OpenCL based renderer, it works with any OpenCL supporting GPU - and CPU, or multiple GPU's. It supports SSS and wavelength depending scattering and is able to do full spectral rendering. Shaders can be coded in ISL (Indigo Shading Language). Since they now have a valid SDK, it is easier to implemnt it into other applications.
Release 4.2.23:
Most of all the updates are small fixes and improvements of the workflow.
Release 4.0.38:
A new OpenCL pure GPU mode is implemented. MLT has been improved, measured BRDF's are available now and a fast SSS material.
Release 3.4:
Normal mapping is implemented
Release 3.2:
They built a new sun and sky system, faster and more accurate. New CUDA versions are supported. And they have now the first plugin renderer available for Cinema4d. Hopefully more will come.
Release 3.0:
Version 3.0 is now released and it fully supports GPU rendering. Indigo is now available in two versions, the RT version that is much cheaper, about $99 and the full version for $399. The differences lie in exr output, subsurface scattering and network rendering. Have a look at the 3.0 demo videos, they are impressive.
Hava a look at the impressive gallery.
Employing advanced features such as Metropolis Light Transport, Spectral light calculus, a virtual camera model, physical sky and more, Indigo can achieve much more realistic results than traditional GI raytracers. Indigo does not need any render parameters like GI samples, AO samples, AA samples, Soft shadows, etc, and complicated lightning setups to achieve realistic results.
Last update: 01.2021