



Clarisse is a very exciting renderapplication. It comes with an own interface just like maxwell, what means no direct connection to a 3d application. The rendering approach seems to be very intuitive and fast. Have a look at the demo video. It promises interactive rendering. Especially the direct image application and render connection ist extremly interesting. Clarisse also is able to do animation and object deformation. You can spread objects over geometry using instancing. In Clarisse you not only render images and sequences, but do post processing as well.

It shares a problem common in all standalone render applications, you need a special workflow and additional efforts to build a working pipeline. Integrated renderers allow an immediate usage and much faster evaluation in an exisiting environment.

Clarisse is still quite expensive. It can save a lot of time if you work with really complex scenes and a large amount of data, but the interactive full license is about $2800 and a rendernode starts at $420, that's a lot compared to other renderers. But they have a rental version and offer a PLE (Personal Learning Edition) which is not limited, but renders a subtle watermark into images and saves in a special file format, similiar to Houdini Indie or Apprentice. They now have a little bit limited watermarked free PLE.


Release 4.0:

Clarisse introduced a transform tool, looks like any other transform tool on other 3d package. They now have surface constraints, and a fast solid volume preview with cutoff for fast preview of smoke or clouds. A new playblast tool enables users to see a fast preview with different shading settings. Multiple scattering for microsurface bsdf creates more realistic material behaviour. They improved the volume shader to create much better volumetric lighthing. As much other pathtracers, they now introduced portal lights to improve indirect light sampling. Adaptive sampling is now introduced which can speed up rendering or improve quality. Pixar's USD is now supported and Alembic archives can be used in a much more flexible way. And finally they introduced SeExpr to manipulate aribtrary channels.

Release 3.6:

As most other renderapplications, Clarisse now supports the metallic workflow which is used by Substance. The fameous Disney principled shader is implemented. Since version 3.0 they released a lot of releases, about 5 or 6 for every point release.

Release 3.0:

With this release they introduce a new pathtracer which allows the usage of phyically based materials and new shading models. Like other renderers they now support the GGX microfacet model and it is now able to render cautics. Rendering of volumes has been greatly improved. Similiar to Renderman 21, they now allow the usage of OSL for texturing and pattern gerneration. Maybe this will grow to a full features OSL support some day.

Version 1.5:

They have improved the software a lot. Now they have 3d dof and motionblur support, improved sss, faster clipmaps and transparencies, new hair shader, fur interpolation, AOV support, mudbox and mari tiled UV support, Alembic import and much more. Seems to be a great realease.

Version 1.0 from December 2012:

It's here! This great peace of software. Watch the videos! You can edit your renderscene in realtime, with indirect lighting, raytracing, motionblur, subsurface scattering. You can populate your scene in Clarisse with intances, animate and modify all elements and see the result with warpspeed.



Last update: 01.2021

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