Arion (CPU/GPU)




Arion is a hybrid CPU/GPU renderer. It is interactive and unbiased and of couse progressive. There is a standalone application but there are plugins available for Rhino, 3dsmax and Photoshop. The Photoshop plugin contains a lot of tools for HDR manipulation and effects.

Release ?:

At current date, December 2018, there is no new information since over a year about Arion. No news, no blog entries, in the forum, there is almost no activity. Even the twitter account does not show any news. I'll add information as soon as I get some.

Release 2.7 from December 2014:

A lot of minor improvements like MTL sampler, faster GI and others.

Release 2.4.2 from March 2013:

You can output the contributions of every light into an multilayer exr and adjust lighting in post. Metropolis light transport allow rendering of complex lighting situations on GPU. Arion can handle very large images up to 16k on the GPU.

Release 2.0 from September 2012:

Now they have something called XSI Live and MAX Live, what is nothing else but a plugin renderer for the both applications. No need to export your data and reload it into the renderer any more. Arion now supports true motion blur with custom substeps and subdivision surfaces. Participating media allow correct physical interaction with dust and translucent materials. The memory manager allow extreme amounts of data. AOV\s have been improved, dielectrics and rough dielectrics (like frosted glass) render quite efficient. Arion offers displacement in some variations. True instancing is now supported and finally they have implemented dof: Arion simulates DoF automatically and virtually for free in terms of render time. Sounds too good to be true for a raytracer. If you ever played around with depth of field in mentalray, arnold or others, you need quite high sampling values to get a smooth image.

Release 1.6:

This new release comes out only a few weeks after the last one. Thats really fast. They removed several limitations. Now you can use unlimited texures, objects and materials. QTVR is now supported, nice feature. An interactive hiding of objects is supported, very nice. The developers now work on fully integrated plugins for 3d applications. The first supported one is Softimage. You can build your materials in Shadingtree and use your familiar environment. Lets hope they come out with other plugins soon. Great work guys!

Release 1.5.1:

The developers now implemented awesome subsurface scattering that is fully physical based what means that it can handle even complicated situations correctly. They add single sheet subsurface scatter, something like translucency with diffuse lighting. Fog is now renderable as participating media. Rough dielectrics can produce beautiful and correct caustics as well as rough transparent surfaces. A great release.



Last update: 01.2021

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